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The number of entities that have the priority right to register domain names whose registration record has been canceled is determined by paragraph 60 of the “Instruction on registering domain names in the national domain zone”, approved by Order of the Operative and Analytical Center under the President of the Republic of Belarus dated June 18, 2010 No. 47 (hereinafter referred to as the Instruction).

At the request of the previous owner, the domain name can be registered within 10 calendar days after the cancellation of the record of its registration.

At the request of the right holder, a domain name can be registered at any time from the moment of cancellation of the domain registration record until the moment it is put up for auction.

The entity becomes the owner of a domain name that, in the presence of the grounds provided for in paragraph 60 of the Instruction and within the time limits established by it, by submitting an application, was the first to exercise the right to register a domain name without being put up for auction.

A domain name is connected to hosting by means of DNS-servers, provided by hosting provider.

To connect domain to hosting, you need to specify DNS-servers in control panel of your domain. Please be aware that it’s not possible to change this information immediately, sometimes it may take 24 hours to commit all changes.

In accordance with paragraph 60 of the «Instruction on registering domain names in the national domain zone», approved by the Order of the Operative and Analytical Center under the President of the Republic of Belarus No. 47 dated June 18, 2010 (hereinafter referred to as the Instruction), the domain name, the registration record of which was canceled due to with the expiration of the registration agreement, can be registered by the technical administrator of the national domain zone without being put up for auction within 10 calendar days after the cancellation of the registration record of such a domain name at the request of its previous owner.

For legal entities and individual entrepreneurs:

  • register in your personal account;
  • log in to your personal account (enter the e-mail and password specified during registration);
  • apply for domain recovery («New Services» → «Domain names» → «Domain name restoration»);
  • conclude a contract – for legal entities, or to get acquainted with a Public contract for the provision of services for the registration of a domain name in the national domain zone – for individuals;
  • pay for the domain name registration.

Please note that if there is a discrepancy between the information about the previous owner recorded in the database and the information provided to the technical administrator for registration under clause 18 of the Instruction, the domain name will not be registered.

If you have any questions, please contact sales@becloud.by or call +375 17 287-11-11.

  1. Choose a domain name. It may include letters of Russian and Belarussian alphabet (а-я), numbers (0-9), hyphens (“-“) and apostrophes (“'“). Domain name neither can begin or end with hyphen, nor include two hyphens in a row. Minimal length of domain name – 2 characters, maximum – the number of characters that in punycode coding doesn't exceed 63 characters.
  2. Choose a registrar from the list of valid registrars.
  3. Go to the site of the chosen registrar and use the search tool provided there to make sure that the domain name you have chosen is available for registration.
  4. If the domain name is available, fill in the registration form on the site of the chosen registrar to make a request for registration the domain. It is important to leave valid email in your contact data, because this is the only way to stay up-to-date about the current status of your domain.
  5. After your request is sent to the registrar, you will receive an invoice. Chose a convenient way to pay it and make a payment. Pay attention that the domain name is available for registration by other users until the moment you pay the invoice.
  6. Notice, that after your applying for registration, the domain name will still be available for registration to other persons, until you pay for the registration.

  1. Choose a domain name. It may include Latin letters (a-z), numbers (0-9), hyphen (“-“). Domain name neither can begin or end with hyphen, nor include two hyphens in a row and hyphens on the third and fourth place at the same time. Minimal length of domain name – 2 characters, maximum – 63.
  2. Choose a registrar from the list of valid registrars.
  3. Go to the site of the chosen registrar and use the search tool provided there to make sure that the domain name you have chosen is available for registration.
  4. If the domain name is available, fill in the registration form on the site of the chosen registrar to make a request for registration the domain. It is important to leave valid email in your contact data, because this is the only way to stay up-to-date about the current status of your domain.
  5. After your request is sent to the registrar, you will receive an invoice. Chose a convenient way to pay it and make a payment. Pay attention that the domain name is available for registration by other users until the moment you pay the invoice.
  6. Notice, that after your applying for registration, the domain name will still be available for registration to other persons, until you pay for the registration.

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