Bynet-2022 results
BeCloud, that is the technical administrator of the national domain zone, summed up the development of Bynet in 2022.
As of December 31, 2022, there were 146,037 second-level domains in the registry of .by and .bel domain zones. The vast majority of them, more than 88%, are registered in the ".by" domain zone - 130,847 domains. The .bel zone included 15,190 domains.
The number of domains registered during the year was 23,309 (21,270 in the .by zone, 2,039 in the .bel zone). At the same time, 2022 was marked by some reduction in the national domain zone of Belarus: the number of domains in .by decreased by 5274, in .bel - by 759.
In 2022, 15 charity auctions of domain names were held, which include previously registered domains, which for some reason became free, and the proceeds (net of the standard cost of domains) are sent to orphanages in Belarus. So, according to the results of the auction, "new life" received 606 domains. 12 social institutions (care homes, orphanages, orphan boarding schools) received financial assistance in the amount of more than 95,000 Belarusian rubles.